[Sisuite-devel] New systemimager snapshot: 20170509git: Fix important bug
LAHAYE Olivier
2017-05-09 17:28:01 UTC
This release, aside many rework and improvements fix a bug in the autoinstallscript template that prevented the bootloader install to succeed.
The filesystem creation has been completely rewritten.
Officially supported filesystems: xfs, ext4,3,2, jfs, reiserfs, fat(/vfat/msdos/ntfs)
btrfs half supported

Once installed, you must regenerate your autoinstall script in order to generate a fixed script.

The rpm should appear sometime later on the OSCAR repositories as usual.

Next step: move all static parts of the install script template to functions in systemimager-lib.sh (in the dracut module)

Olivier LAHAYE
