1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
systemconfigurator is there to configure the client node, not to reboot it.

Do you plan to cut a release for SystemConfigurator any time soon? I
guess I'll need to make a version requirement for SystemConfigurator
in the updated SystemImager...
I would propose to tag a new stable release of systemconfigurator soon
(ok the same for systemimager 3.8.1 but I would like to fix one or two
potential bugs before...). Actually I tested the SC trunk in a lot of
cases and it seems to work very well.
Regarding the kexec support what do you think about creating a kind of
"plugin" for systemconfigurator that contains all the required scripts
made by Erich? I mean for now we could create a separate package like
"systemconfigurator-kexec-plugin" that requires systemconfigurator and
adds the kexec functionalities in the image.
When you use the post-install kexec action (with si_getimage or
si_mkautoinstallscript) a check will be made in to see if the plugin is
installed into the target image... for this check it's sufficient to see
if the new scripts are present or maybe we could simply touch a file in
/etc/systemconfig or add an entry in /etc/systemconfig/systemconfig.conf...
My 2 cents...