[Sisuite-devel] New release with GUI (screenshot)
2017-05-22 10:50:26 UTC

Brand new relase with Plymouth GUI if "splash" or "rhgb" keyword is present in PXE cmdline.
Screenshot: Loading Image...
(ESC key will toggle between text and GUI modes.
Best display is vga=791 as cmdline parameter (other resolution will work. need at least 640x480 with 256 colors)

Text mode is still the default.
Screenshot: Loading Image...

What works aside cool interface (text or GUI)
- bootpackage creation works (si_mkbootpackage)
- rsync deployment method works
- SSH deployment method works (tested si_pushinstall) (in this mode, the GUI doesn't display a wating wheel like in text mode, bit it works)
- grub2 bootloader install works
- si_monitortk works fine

Not tested but should work:
- grub1 bootloader install (CentOS-6)

- stop cleanly rsync and unmount disks if CTRL-ALT-DEL is pressed during imaging.
- fix colormap bug on CENTOS-7 (drm driver bug => change backgroud)
- test and eventualy fix flamethrower deployment
- test and eventualy fix bittorrent deployment
- create a wait dialog box for plymouth GUI when waiting for SSH tunnel initialisation from server (si_pushinstall)
- update doc with all cmdline new parameters
- update API usable in pre/post install scripts (/lib/systemimager-lib.sh)
- Fix a little bug: test progress bar is displayed twice if GUI is active (race condition).

IMHO, this release is as stable as last stable release, though it is less tested so be carefull.
Source: http://svn.oscar.openclustergroup.org/pkgs/downloads/systemimager-4.5.0.tar.bz2

Repos for RHEL6, RHEL7 and FC25:
Release number: v4.5.0-20170518git

Usual notes:
1/ You must regenerate your install scripts
E.g.: /usr/sbin/si_mkautoinstallscript -quiet --autodetect-disks -image oscarimage_sda -force -ip-assignment static -post-install shell
(post install can be shell, reboot, poweroff, ...) (shell drops a debug shell at the end so you can check what was done)

2/ Easy install using OSCAR repositories
- For easy install on CentOS-7:
rpm -ivh http://svn.oscar.openclustergroup.org/repos/unstable/rhel-7-x86_64/oscar-release-6.1.2r11110-1.el7.centos.noarch.rpm
- For easy install on CentOS-6:
rpm -ivh http://svn.oscar.openclustergroup.org/repos/unstable/rhel-6-x86_64/oscar-release-6.1.2r11073-1.el6.noarch.rpm
- (Not yeat available for FC-25, you must create your repofile by hand or install CentOS-7 package and update /etc/yum.repos.d/oscar.repo)

3/ Note: to setup your PXE, most of relevant cmdline parameters can be found here:
(/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/39systemimager/module-install.sh or install on old distros)

4/ Needs a postinstall script to setup network.
One that can be used is the following one:

Happy deployment.

Olivier LAHAYE