[Sisuite-devel] New beta release with enhanced GUI (CentOS 6, 7 and Fedora 25)
LAHAYE Olivier
2017-06-13 16:30:40 UTC
New relase with Plymouth GUI (if "splash" or "rhgb" keyword is present in PXE cmdline).

What's new in this release:
- New GUI dialogbox to display important or static messages like asking for si_pushinstall command.
- enhanced /lib/systemimager-lib.sh (new functions to enable system messages, debug messages, use the gui dialog box)
- new cmdline parameters (enable debugging, fix the post imaging action
- many glitches and mug fixes.
- new screenshots

- Loading Image...
- Loading Image...
- Loading Image...
- Loading Image...
- Loading Image...
- Loading Image...

Text mode is still the default.

What works aside cool interface (text or GUI)
- bootpackage creation works (si_mkbootpackage)
- rsync deployment method works
- SSH deployment method works (tested si_pushinstall) (both text anf GUI modes will display a banner asking for si_pushinstall if no ssh keys is available)
- grub2 bootloader install works
- si_monitortk works fine

Not tested but should work:
- grub1 bootloader install (CentOS-6)

- stop cleanly rsync and unmount disks if CTRL-ALT-DEL is pressed during imaging.
- fix colormap bug on CENTOS-7 (drm driver bug)
- test and eventually fix flamethrower deployment
- test and eventually fix bittorrent deployment
- update doc with all cmdline new parameters

IMHO, this release is as stable as last stable release, though it is less tested so be careful.

Source: http://svn.oscar.openclustergroup.org/pkgs/downloads/systemimager-4.5.0.tar.bz2

Repos for RHEL6, RHEL7 and FC25:
Release number: v4.5.0-20170613git

Usual notes:
1/ You must regenerate your install scripts
E.g.: /usr/sbin/si_mkautoinstallscript -quiet --autodetect-disks -image oscarimage_sda -force -ip-assignment static -post-install cmdline

(post install can be shell, reboot, poweroff, cmdline, kexec...) (shell drops a debug shell at the end so you can check what was done)
cmdline parameter rd.sis.post-action=shell will drop a shell at the end of imaging.

2/ Easy install using OSCAR repositories
- For easy install on CentOS-7:

rpm -ivh http://svn.oscar.openclustergroup.org/repos/unstable/rhel-7-x86_64/oscar-release-6.1.2r11110-1.el7.centos.noarch.rpm

- For easy install on CentOS-6:

rpm -ivh http://svn.oscar.openclustergroup.org/repos/unstable/rhel-6-x86_64/oscar-release-6.1.2r11073-1.el6.noarch.rpm

- (Not yeat available for FC-25, you must create your repofile by hand
or install CentOS-7 package and update /etc/yum.repos.d/oscar.repo)

3/ Note: to setup your PXE, most of relevant cmdline parameters can be found here:

(/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/39systemimager/module-install.sh or install on old distros)

4/ Needs a postinstall script to setup network.

One that can be used is the following one:


Happy deployment.

Olivier LAHAYE
