[Sisuite-devel] New 20170505git snapshot (si_pushinstall using SSH works!
LAHAYE Olivier
2017-05-05 16:32:48 UTC

New milestone:
- pushing an install using ssh from server is working again (SSH_DOWNLOAD_URL points to authorized_keys and when prompted, the sis server admin must issue si_pushinstall command (as stated on screen))
- more code cleanup
- si_monitortk has now a color remote console that displays correctly ANSI color codes.

Not tested but has good chances to work: SSH install using server keys in the initrd.

Still TODO before release:
- check bittorrent side (while not working do test; fix; done)
- check flamethrower side (while not working do test; fix; done)
- test other ssh deployment method (it should be working IMHO)

Plans for future:
- find a way to setup network in client (systemconfigurator?) need to support at least NetworkManager and systemd-networkd. For now, a postinstall script is required.
- put some fancy stuffs by customizing plymouth (keeping in mind that it must continue to work from a serial console)
=> Will need gfx contributors as I'm bad at that task there would be a systemimager logo with a console area and below a progressbar and icons indicating the current step.)
- rework the install scripts (maybe split into smaller steps: init(automatic), partition(from config file), mount filesystems(automatic), run preinstall(automatic), deploy image(current script stripped down), run post install(automatic), umount(automatic), end(automatic)
- add a si_inspect_client command in the initrd that would mount and chroot client if "shell" is requested at the end of imaging

Release is stamped 4.5.0-20170505git in the usual place (see previous messages).
Note that perl-TextANSIColor package will be needed (available at the same location).

For easy install on CentOS-7:
rpm -ivh http://svn.oscar.openclustergroup.org/repos/unstable/rhel-7-x86_64/oscar-release-6.1.2r11110-1.el7.centos.noarch.rpm
For easy install on CentOS-6:
rpm -ivh http://svn.oscar.openclustergroup.org/repos/unstable/rhel-6-x86_64/oscar-release-6.1.2r11073-1.el6.noarch.rpm
(Not yeat available for FC-25, you must create your repofile by hand or install CentOS-7 package and update /etc/yum.repos.d/oscar.repo)

Note: to setup your PXE, most of relevant cmdline parameters can be found here:
(/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/39systemimager/module-install.sh or install on old distros)

Happy testing.

Note: Not for production environment (even if I've tested it successfully in my prod environment)
Olivier LAHAYE