[Sisuite-devel] Is system imager stepping on my networking start script?
Mark Seger
2008-08-14 21:10:53 UTC
I have a post installation script that sets the addresses of my 2 nics
and I even put in an exit after the post install script run and checked
my /etc/sysconfig/network-script directory to make sure they were set up
correctly. However when the system boots they're different! Did SI do
that? Is there a way to tell it not to?
Mark Seger
2008-08-14 21:16:54 UTC
I just discovered ip-ass replicant in the mkautoinstallscript and that
sounds like what I want. I've been manually setting my network
addresses manually for years by copying in my own config script that
changes the networks at boot time and didn't even pay any attention to
the whole dhcp/static/replicant options. sorry about that...
Post by Mark Seger
I have a post installation script that sets the addresses of my 2 nics
and I even put in an exit after the post install script run and
checked my /etc/sysconfig/network-script directory to make sure they
were set up correctly. However when the system boots they're
different! Did SI do that? Is there a way to tell it not to?
Mark Seger
2008-08-14 21:29:40 UTC
hmm, replicant didn't work! I know I saw my reconfigure script run as
part of the post-install process so either replicant didn't take effect
or some other thing stepped on my config files. any suggestions where
to look?
Post by Mark Seger
I just discovered ip-ass replicant in the mkautoinstallscript and that
sounds like what I want. I've been manually setting my network
addresses manually for years by copying in my own config script that
changes the networks at boot time and didn't even pay any attention to
the whole dhcp/static/replicant options. sorry about that...
Post by Mark Seger
I have a post installation script that sets the addresses of my 2
nics and I even put in an exit after the post install script run and
checked my /etc/sysconfig/network-script directory to make sure they
were set up correctly. However when the system boots they're
different! Did SI do that? Is there a way to tell it not to?
Bernard Li
2008-08-14 22:28:24 UTC
Post by Mark Seger
hmm, replicant didn't work! I know I saw my reconfigure script run as
part of the post-install process so either replicant didn't take effect
or some other thing stepped on my config files. any suggestions where
to look?
If you are manually setting network configurations in your
post-install script, you probably want to modify the
systemconfigurator call in your master script accordingly.

P.S. This discussion should really go in sisuite-users :-)


